100 Park Place Suite #240 | San Ramon, CA 94583

Male Breast Reduction Breast Procedures in San Ramon, CA

Male Breast ReductionYoung men can develop enlargement of their breast tissue during adolescence that resolves spontaneously without any intervention. This can be a natural part of development. In some cases however, the breast tissue does not regress and remain enlarged on one or both sides. This tissue can be painful and cause significant embarrassment in sport activities and daily living. Older men can also develop enlarged breasts which is usually but not always associated with weight gain as they get older. In a young man, the breast tissue can be removed and the surrounding tissue reduced with liposuction to flatten the skin against the pectoralis muscle and provide a more natural appearance to the chest.

Scars are minimal and well hidden and the skin will tighten as the swelling resolves without having to remove any excess skin, in most cases. The surgery is usually 1 hour under a general anesthetic and can be done as an outpatient in a fully accredited outpatient surgery center. The result can be dramatic for the patient and the benefit to their self esteem and ability to participate in sports activities is significant. For older men where the enlarged breasts are mainly fatty tissue, liposuction alone can produce reduction of the breasts and contouring of the chest area. Downtime is typically 1-2 weeks with exercise and lifting restrictions for 4-6 weeks.

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If you’re considering gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction, you likely have questions about the procedure. Here are answers to common questions about this surgical intervention, including information on the causes of enlarged male breasts, candidacy, the procedure itself, recovery, and more.

  1. What causes enlarged male breasts? 

Enlarged male breasts, a condition called gynecomastia, can be caused by hormonal imbalances, obesity, certain medications, or underlying medical conditions. It’s essential to consult a qualified plastic surgeon to determine the cause of your condition.

  1. Am I a good candidate for gynecomastia surgery

Good candidates for gynecomastia surgery are individuals in good health, non-smokers, and those with realistic expectations about the procedure’s outcome. You should also be emotionally prepared for the transformation.

  1. What does the gynecomastia surgery procedure involve? 

Gynecomastia surgery typically involves liposuction and/or surgical removal of excess glandular tissue. The exact technique used depends on the extent of the condition and the surgeon’s recommendations.

  1. What is the male breast reduction recovery time

Recovery time after male breast reduction varies from person to person but generally takes a few weeks. Patients may experience bruising and swelling, but these typically subside within a few weeks.

  1. Is the procedure painful? 

While there may be some discomfort, pain is usually managed with prescribed medications. Most patients find the discomfort manageable and well worth the results.

  1. What results can I expect from gynecomastia surgery? 

The results of gynecomastia surgery are generally long-lasting, provided you maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can expect a flatter, more contoured chest, improving your self-esteem and confidence.

  1. How long do I need to wear the compression garment? 

A compression garment is typically worn for several weeks throughout the male breast reduction recovery time to help reduce swelling and ensure optimal results. Your surgeon will provide guidance on when to discontinue its use.

  1. When can I resume exercise after male breast reduction? 

Most patients can gradually resume light exercise after a few weeks and more strenuous activities after about six weeks. Follow your surgeon’s advice for a safe recovery.

  1. How should I prepare for the procedure? 

Preparation includes a thorough consultation with your surgeon, where you’ll discuss your medical history, medications, and expectations. You may need to discontinue certain medications, including blood thinners, and make arrangements for someone to assist you post-surgery.

Contact Us to Learn More

Ready to take the first step towards a contoured chest? Contact us today to book your consultation for male breast reduction. Don’t let gynecomastia hold you back any longer. Reach out now for expert guidance and personalized care.


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