Brow Lift

The Brow Lift is a procedure that rejuvenates the appearance of the forehead and lifts a drooping or sagging brow. People with eyebrows that are drooping can look more run-down, tired or even sad than they actually feel and may seek out a Brow Lift to correct their brow positioning and create a more fresh and bright appearance. The Brow Lift may be performed using the endoscopic method which uses tiny incisions made in the hair line and a camera devise that helps to give better visibility eliminating the need for more invasive incisions.
The brow lift is performed typically in around 2 hours under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. Recovery time can vary from patient to patient, but typically lasts around one week. In some cases a patient may opt to combine the Brow Lift procedure with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as a face lift, eyelid lift or botox. If you are interested in learning more about the brow lift and to find out if a brow lift may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your confidential consultation with Dr. Michelle Place today.